Course curriculum

  • 1

    Welcome to the course!

    • A message from the instructors

    • How to use this course

  • 2

    The ABCs of Editing

    • Developmental Editing

    • Line Editing

    • Copy Editing and Proofreading

    • The Prep Work

    • Tech Requirements

    • Aim for the Moon

    • Activity: Mapping Out Your Strengths

  • 3

    Generalizing vs Niching

    • Generalize It

    • Niche it

    • Activity: Project-Projector

    • Activity: Putting Together Your Customer Base

  • 4

    Guiding Styles

    • The Big Picture

    • Chicago Manual of Style

    • American Psychological Association Style

    • Modern Languages Association Style

    • Press Style

    • Activity: Working With the Guides

  • 5

    Style Sheet Loading...

    • Why Use a Style Sheet

    • How to Read a Style Sheet

    • How to Setup a Style Sheet

    • Sample Style Sheets

    • Activity: Filling Out a Style Sheet

  • 6

    The Nuts and Bolts of Editing: Copy Editing Theory

    • Articles, Nouns, and Pronouns

    • SVA

    • Tense Basics

    • Clauses, Phrases, and Sentences

    • Sentence Variety

    • Modifiers and Hyphenation

    • Commas, Colons/Semicolons, and Special Characters

    • Bulleted and Numbered Lists

    • Numbers and Symbols

    • Inclusive Language

    • Plagiarism

    • Activity: Use What You've Learned

    • Activity: Check Your Work!

  • 7

    Proofreading Theory

    • Punctuation Marks

    • Dialogue Considerations

    • Passive Voice

    • Spelling Considerations

    • Extra Words and Spaces

    • Capitalization

    • Images, Graphs, and Tables

    • Activity: Use What You've Learned

    • Activity: Check Your Work!

  • 8

    Sample Works

    • The Samples

    • Marked-up Samples

    • Final Version Samples

  • 9

    Let's Get Technical

    • Google Docs Hotshot

    • Activity: Let's Give it a Shot!

    • Wrapped Up in Word

    • Activity: Time to Do the Work

    • In Awe of Adobe

    • Activity: Activate Adobe

  • 10

    Welcome to Freelancing Success

    • Creating Your Space

    • Freelance Platforms

    • Social Media

  • 11

    Working With Clients

    • Communication

    • Quoting and Estimating

    • Contracts

    • Getting Referrals and Testimonials

  • 12

    Setting Rates and Getting Paid

    • Setting Rates

    • Factors That Can Influence Rates

    • Payments

    • Third Party Systems

    • Getting Paid on Freelance Platforms

    • Taxes for Freelancers

  • 13

    Building Your Brand

    • When You Are Your Brand

    • Marketing Yourself

    • Pitching Your Business on Freelance Platforms

    • Activity: Building Your Brand

  • 14

    Stay Uncomfortable

    • Professional Development

    • The Best Time to Start

  • 15

    Next Steps

    • Congrats! Welcome to Freelancing Success!